Home Arimaha Bulshada A Call for Accountability and Unity.

A Call for Accountability and Unity.

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Dear Awdal Intellectuals and Politicians,

Ayrotv.com- It is with a heavy heart that I address you today. The time has come to reflect on your role and responsibilities towards our people and our beloved region. It is disheartening to witness how many of you have chosen to align yourselves with the regime in Hargeisa, seemingly at the expense of those you are meant to serve. 

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The suffering, looting, and humiliation endured by the people of Awdal can not be ignored. As the only region within Somalia’s federal system lacking recognition and basic rights, our people look to you for leadership, advocacy, and support. Instead, what they see is a disconnection—an abandonment of the very values that should bind you to your community.

While other intellectuals and politicians are actively working to uplift their people, you have become complicit in a system that perpetuates inequality and disregard for the rights of Awdal. Your silence in the face of these injustices is nothing short of a disgrace.

The Awdal State Movement emerges as a beacon of hope amidst this turmoil. It represents the aspirations and dreams of the people of Awdal, Salal, and Gabiley district. Time will reveal whether you will recognize the urgent need for action and solidarity with your people or continue to serve a regime that prioritizes ethno-supremacist agendas over the welfare of our communities.

The people of Awdal deserve better. They deserve leaders who will stand up for their rights, fight against oppression, and work tirelessly for the recognition and dignity they so rightly deserve. Until that day comes, the Awdal State Movement will continue to carry the torch of hope for our future.

It is time to choose: will you stand with your people or remain a servant to the system that seeks to silence them?


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