Ayrotv.com- If PM Hamza was a capable leader, he would have reconciled between Hassan and Ahmed, and there would have been no need to shed blood. But it’s clear that PM Hamza does have the trust of Ahmed, nor can he persuade President Hassan to de-escalate his war against war against Ahmed. Therefore, the solution lies in PM Hamza’s resignation so as to avert a bloody war in Kismayo and the destruction of a functioning regional administration there.

A new PM who enjoys the trust of regional chiefs and can talk truth to Hassan must be urgently appointed. A PM who can’t stand up to the bullying and transgressions from Villa!& Madobe is a danger to the country’s peace and unity. The Somali public shouldn’t accept a new civil war in the country, especially a war between the national government and a regional administration.
If the two sides continue their warmongering, the international community must withdraw their recognition from both President Hassan and Ahmed and declare the two peace spoilers and chaos mongers. President Hassan and President Ahmed can’t hold the country to ransom.

No. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen. The two leaders are not only acting selfishly, but they’re also a disgrace. The national government takes the biggest blame. It should have shown leadership. If it can’t peacefully manage its differences with Kismayo, how does it want to rule the country. Villa should have been at the forefront of conflict resolution, not stoking wars. It shouldn’t have been the one inciting violence in regional administrations.
By. Dr Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisam