Ayrotv.com-Saylac- The Awdal/Salal region, located in northwest Somalia, is home to the Gadaboursi people, who make up over 90% of the population in Awdal/Salal, and the Gabiley District. The Gadaboursi are the descendants of the Adal Sultanate, a powerful medieval kingdom that flourished in the Horn of Africa. Their capital was the historic port city of Zeila, which served as a major hub of trade and Islamic learning.
The Gadaboursi people have a rich and storied history that is known throughout the world. They are renowned for their scholarship, cultural achievements, and deep ties to the land they have inhabited for over 3,000 years. This territory was later divided by the British and French colonial powers, with parts falling within modern-day Somalia and Ethiopia.
Interestingly, the Gadaboursi kings, known as Ugaas, were allied with the Ethiopian monarchy and maintained close relations with the Amhara and Tigray peoples. The Gadaboursi also signed treaties with the powerful Ottoman Empire and Mughal dynasty, showcasing their global influence and connections.
However, a recent and highly controversial move by UNESCO has caused significant concern. The organization has recognized the “Xeer Ciise” cultural heritage and, in doing so, has granted the historical Gadaboursi territory to the Issa tribe, another Somali group that has no known ancestral claims or historical achievements comparable to the Gadaboursi.
This decision by UNESCO has been widely criticized as a politically motivated move that distorts historical facts and undermines the rightful claims of the Gadaboursi people. The Gadaboursi have deep roots in the Awdal/Salal region, and their contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of the Horn of Africa are well-documented.
UNESCO must act swiftly to cancel this decision and conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding it. The organization’s reputation is at stake, and it must never be complicit in land grabbing or the distortion of historical facts, which are readily available for all to see. The Gadaboursi people deserve to have their rightful claim to their ancestral homeland recognized and respected.