Ayrotv.com- Mogadishu- In the past two weeks, the Turkey Ambassador to Somalia has hosted a flurry of high-level meetings with Somali ministers, state officials, and directors, seemingly turning the Turkish Embassy into a central hub of Somali governance. These meetings appear to bypass established diplomatic protocols, raising serious concerns about the ambassador’s outsized influence in Somali affairs. As a Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of the People, I have repeatedly questioned the nature of the relationship between Somalia and Turkey. The overwhelming power dynamic at play – where Somali officials seem to “report” to the ambassador – leaves one to wonder: is Turkey acting as a partner or as a gatekeeper to personal benefits for select individuals? When I questioned Turkey’s seemingly one-sided policies towards Somalia its alignment with Abyssinia , I was texted by a Somali State Minister of Foreign Affairs.

@AliOmarMP, “We have a common product we need to protect, and our differences shouldn’t affect that product.” I asked: What is this product – President Erdoğan or something else? The response: “Better to leave it as is.” This cryptic exchange only deepens concerns about transparency and Somalia’s sovereignty. For example: 1.The Minister of Foreign Affairs

@AhmedMoFiqi visited the Turkish Embassy, a meeting outside the usual diplomatic channels. 2.The Minister of Defense
@Amohamednur also visited, with Turkey reaffirming its military “support” to Somalia. 3.The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources discussed energy cooperation and the activities of Turkey’s seismic research vessel, Oruç Reis. 4.Meetings extended even to technical projects, such as Somalia’s National ID System and Public Works. These meetings, held on Turkey’s turf, present troubling optics. Why aren’t these discussions taking place in Somalia’s ministries or neutral venues? Does Turkey’s ambassador serve as a partner to Somalia, or has he become an arbiter of our nation’s policies and resources? Somalia deserves partnerships rooted in mutual respect and adherence to international diplomatic protocols. Allowing any foreign power to circumvent these principles undermines our sovereignty and reduces Somalia’s leadership to mere functionaries under foreign influence. As a representative of the Somali people, I urge transparency in the Somalia-Turkey relationship and call for an official review of these engagements. Our nation’s dignity and sovereignty cannot be for sale under the guise of “brotherhood.”

by: MP Dr Abdillahi Hashi Abib